Все курсы

SoftFil®: Injection Technique for Nose & Lips

Exclusive course with the renowned Dr. Ali Sahan as he unveils the artistry behind the ‘Injection Technique for Nose and Lips’ using microcannulas.
Dr. Sahan, a renowned expert in aesthetic medicine, will not only share invaluable insights but will also delve into the intricacies of a super-sensitive zone in the nose, emphasizing the critical importance of mastering a secure technique for this area. Additionally, don’t miss the chance to explore his exclusive lip injection technique with cannulas, a unique approach that promises finesse and safety in achieving optimal results.

Dr. Ali Şahan


Dr. Alı ŞAHAN is a highly skilled medical professional and a specialist in dermatology. He obtained his medical degree from the GATA Faculty of Medicine, showcasing a strong foundation in general medicine.

Continuing his educational journey, Dr. ŞAHAN underwent specialized training in dermatology at the GATA Department of Dermatology, where he had previously completed his undergraduate studies. In 2014, he earned the distinguished title of “Dermatology Specialist,” marking the pinnacle of his focused and comprehensive education.

Dr. ŞAHAN’s commitment to delivering high-quality medical care is evident through his continuous pursuit of knowledge and specialization in dermatology. His expertise spans a wide spectrum of dermatological conditions, allowing him to provide exceptional care and specialized advice to his patients.

With a background in both general medicine and dermatology, Dr. ŞAHAN is well-equipped to address the diverse healthcare needs of his patients. His holistic approach to medicine, coupled with his profound understanding of dermatological issues, reflects his dedication to the well-being of those under his care. As a medical doctor and dermatology specialist, Dr. Alı ŞAHAN exemplifies the importance of ongoing education and specialization in achieving optimal healthcare outcomes.

Hyalual: Ксероз кожи. Дифференциальная диагностика, лечение и уход

Эксклюзивный курс от центра обучения Hyalual 

 - Сухая кожа как дерматологический диагноз, дифференциальная диагностика дерматозов.
 - Сухая кожа как один из типов кожи и почему с возрастом меняется тип кожи.
 - Всегда ли сухая кожа – это чувствительная кожа? Особенности «кожи войны».
 - Сухость губ как изнурительная проблема для большинства клиентов.
 - Индивидуальные протоколы – профессиональный подход в ведении пациентов с сухой кожей.
 - План процедур для получения гарантированного впечатляющего длительного результата.
 - Особенности ухода за особой кожей, инновационные средства космецевтики.


Наталья Макиша
врач дерматовенеролог высшей категории, косметолог, сертифицированный
тренер Institute Hyalual