Jalupro Young Eye 1ml
1 x 1ml
Jalupro is a cosmetic biorevitalization product based on hyaluronic acid and a group of amino acids. It is suitable for restoring, nourishing, and moisturizing the skin and allows you to achieve a pronounced rejuvenation effect in just 1 session.
Jalupro is a new generation biorevitalizant that stimulates the division of fibroblasts, activates the synthesis of collagen, and reduces the rate of its breakdown, restoring the structure of the dermis.
The composition and structure of the cluster, patented by the manufacturer, have no analogues. The efficacy and safety of the drug have been confirmed by many years of research.
The use of Jalupro complex activates tissue regeneration, improves skin quality, increases its density and elasticity, and reduces the duration of the rehabilitation period after aggressive procedures by 40%.
Manufacturer: Professional Derma
HA, 7 amino acids, 3 peptides
1 x 1ml
Application areas
Eye circles, bags under the eyes
The product isn't intended for personal use due to certain restrictions, and should only be administered by a trained medical specialist.
Professional Derma
Country of origin